Blog 6



The wheel of Life Balance depicted above demonstrates my priorities in which family and study along with career comes at top. After that come my spiritual life or in other words “me time”, however I feel like allocating more time to health and fitness in a way that i would enjoy. For this, I decided to allocate half an hour every five days a week to yoga and exercise.


  • The situations stressing me most are the everyday chores and tasks which I constantly need to manage.
  • Assignments and approaching deadlines further give me stress and feeling a kind of pressure to complete them is really troublesome.
  • Hair loss on a constant basis further adds in to my stress specially that I work in the beauty field as a beauty blogger.

I constantly make efforts to organize the time in an effective manner which helps me in addressing the problems, same applies for hair loss, trying out different therapies, getting enough sleep and eating healthy comes in my schedule too.


I have learnt five ways through which I can improve my life and these are:

Be active – Going out for a walk, shopping, gardening, playing, and exercising are the best ways to stay active. As well as helping out my mother with house chores.

Connect – Build up a community either at home, workplace or in the university. Healthy community around me brings a sense of happiness from inside. This is why i made sure to get to know most of my colleagues and tried to build a nice relationship with them.

Taking Notice – Now I take notice of the things happening around me. All the blessings and adversaries either at work or at home or even in a restaurant helps me in appreciating the things around me.

Keep Learning – Constant learning keeps me engaged and I feel motivated towards my life. This module in specific taught me a lot and the fact that i am writing blogs for the first time feels like an achievement for me.

Give – Helping others through the community programs is the most fun thing I would like to do on weekends. Watching people smile through getting the small necessities is a great feeling.


Third Place as a Stress Buster:

The concept of Third Place elaborates that as an individual, we need to be the ones taking care of our own-self. The place where one can totally get them involved. The activity I am using nowadays as stress buster is working on my make-up skills and creating different looks. Doing this provides me with enormous joy and I feel a sense of contentment in it.


  1. Pabial, S. (2013). Finding your Third Place. [online] Available at:

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